2014 ORDER FORM .......Just Print and Mail!
We accept checks or money orders. Prices include U.S. shipping and handling. Please ask about international costs before ordering.

TO: Lonnie Burr Orders
PO BOX 2064
Beaverton, OR 97075

NEW!!!!   THE ACCIDENTAL MOUSEKETEER by Lonnie Burr. 2014. New chapter, photos, updates about Mouseketeers who are no longer with us.
Please send ___ copy/copies of THE ACCIDENTAL MOUSEKETEER  PRICE - $23.00
Autograph my copy to: (PRINT name/s):_

1. Almost gone - order while you can. CONFESSIONS OF AN ACCIDENTAL MOUSEKETEER first edition (2009), a memoir by Lonnie Burr
Please send ___ copy/copies of the first edition (light green cover) of Lonnie's memoir. REDUCED PRICE - $27.00
Autograph my copy to: (PRINT name/s):_

2. THE DOUBLE DVD now: 4.5+ hours!!
Please send ___ (how many) copies of the Double DVD @ $22.00
per copy.
Autograph my copy to: (PRINT name/s):____________________________

3. FULL COLOR PHOTO - THEN AND NOW WITH ORIGINAL 1955 EARS! [with M on the hat vs. later MICKEY logo]
Please send ____ (how many) signed photos @ $18.00.

Sign photo(s) to: (PRINT name/s): ______________________________________________________

4..COMPOSITE PHOTO: Please send ____ (how many) composite signed photos @ $15.00 each.
Sign photo(s) to: (PRINT name/s: ): __________________________________________

SPECIAL PHOTO DEAL: Please send ____ photo sets (one Full Color Then and Now & one Composite)
@ REDUCED $30.00 per set.
Please sign photo set/s to:
(PRINT name/s):_____________________________________________________________________

5. ORIGINAL MOUSEKETEER PHOTO - Black and white. Please send ____ copies @ $12.50 each.
Sign photos to: PRINT name(s)__________________________________________________________

6. Two For the Show: Great 20th Century Comedy Teams. Please send _____copies @ $19.00
each. Autograph the book(s) to: (PRINT name/s__________________________________________

7. The Gravity of Finity (poetry): Please send ____ copies of this 250 limited edition collection @ $15.00 each. 
Please sign to (PRINT name/s):_____________________________________________________________________

All prices include U.S. shipping and handling. We accept checks or money orders.
Please ask about international costs before ordering.

Total Enclosed $_____________
Send To: (please print legibly)
NAME: __________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: ____________________________________

Thanks for your order. Please allow 14 days for arrival (most will get there faster!)
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